Friday, October 25


Easy Tips for Facebook eCommerce Marketing

Easy Tips for Facebook eCommerce Marketing

Facebook might seem like such a saturated market for a new eCommerce business, but it does have many tools that would be useful for boosting your brand’s reach. In this article, we’ll go a bit more in depth—beyond the usual “post great images” or “always include call-to-action” techniques that everyone’s already done. The goal is to stand out and with these, you should be able to effectively make a mark for your brand without needing to break the bank. Make Use of Videos Leave the images for the likes of Instagram. On Facebook, people’s attention spans tend to be a bit shorter and they will scroll past anything that doesn’t grab them within the first second. For this, videos are more effective. They like to watch videos—to kill the time—before moving to the next one. So, wha...
Can Facebook App Quizzes Steal Your Data?

Can Facebook App Quizzes Steal Your Data?

Facebook app quizzes have become one of the most popular pastime activities on the internet. According to, the story that got the most attention on the New York Times website back in 2013 was a quiz. This goes to show that people are interested in interactive content, regardless of what the quizzes are about. However, what many users don’t know is that large corporations use quiz applications as tools for collecting data. Stick around to learn how app quizzes can steal data and have a look at the NordVPN review to learn how to stay safe. No matter how silly the quiz questions may be, the data people share can be used to create an image of their personality. Marketers later use this information to place the right products in front of potential customers with the goal to in...
How to Use Social Media for Customer Feedback

How to Use Social Media for Customer Feedback

Social media has provided an essential platform for engagement. Nowadays, people like sharing their experiences on social media. That includes how they feel about a particular brand. In this era, a business needs to guard its reputation in the best way they can. But why? Because the reputation of an organization affects its performance. If your business is endowed with positive reviews, everybody wants to be associated with you. However, if on the other hand, your business is receiving only bad reviews, people will not only avoid your business, but they will advise others to stay away too. This article will take you through some valuable strategies of how to get business feedback on social media platforms. 1. Asking your target audience on social media for feedback. The best way t...
How To Change Your Name on Facebook

How To Change Your Name on Facebook

Facebook, How-To
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});   Want to learn how To Change Your Name on Facebook? There are many reasons to why you may want to change your name on Facebook. Maybe you’ve gotten married, maybe you created a Facebook account under a fake name but now want to change it to your real name again, or maybe, you’ve got yourself a new nickname. Some people have the misconception that if you’ve created an account with a particular name, you’ll have to either satisfy with that name for all eternity or, create a new account. In other words, people believe that there is no way to change your name on Facebook. The good news is that is here to tell you that it is, in fact possible, and the process of changing your name on Facebook is quite straightforw...
Why Does Not Your Ads Work on Facebook?

Why Does Not Your Ads Work on Facebook?

Advertising on Facebook works, although this may shock you if you have experimented with it and you have not achieved the results you expected. Let me tell you that it is not so easy to get good results and that it takes time to adjust your ads to be fully effective, but once you achieve, their performance is spectacular. Let's first clarify that your ideal client should be found on Facebook, otherwise it does not make sense for you to invest in advertising or waste your time on this social network. I know it seems logical but it is worth commenting to avoid disappointment or worse, throwing away your money. The changes that Facebook has made in its algorithm have caused some companies and marketers to consider leaving this social network. These changes force us to invest in advertis...
48 Powerful Facebook Statistics and Facts You Need to Know

48 Powerful Facebook Statistics and Facts You Need to Know

48 Powerful Facebook Statistics and Facts You Need to Know (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); General Facebook usage statistics Facebook has 2.01 billion active monthly users. Facebook has 1.66 billion active mobile users monthly.   Facebook has 1.32 billion active daily users.   Of Facebooks active users, 53% female and 47% male.   The average user has 155 “friends” on Facebook.   Since Facebook's start, the like button has been pressed 1.13 trillion times.   The average time spent monthly on Facebook is 600 hours. Among 18-34 year olds, 48% check Facebook when they wake up.   350 million photos are uploaded every day on Faceb...
How To Win Over Facebook Algorithm and Get More Organic Reach

How To Win Over Facebook Algorithm and Get More Organic Reach

Facebook, How-To
How To Win Over Facebook Algorithm and Get More Organic Reach Have you noticed your organic reach decreasing on Facebook over the years? Are you wondering how you can turn the negative trend and reach more people without paying for Facebook ads? Do not worry. You are not alone. Also, you'll be glad to hear that there are approaches that you can take to battle the decreased organic reach you've been seeing. In this article, we'll take a look at how the Facebook algorithm works in order to understand how you can optimize your content for maximum exposure and reach. How the Facebook algorithm works Facebook ranks and displays your content with the help of several advanced criteria. To better understand how Facebook breaks down the content they are to display, let's look at...
Top Ways To use Facebook Messenger as a Customer Service Tool

Top Ways To use Facebook Messenger as a Customer Service Tool

Top Ways To use Facebook Messenger as a Customer Service Tool (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Are you using Facebook Messenger for customer service? Not too long ago Facebook and customer service was a combination that was not used by many, but today, it is revolutionizing the way brands and customers interact with each other. In this article, we'll discuss why Facebook Messenger is so beneficial for brands in customer service, then look at some ways you can use Messenger to interact with your customers. How Messenger has evolved and how it can be beneficial for brands Facebook Messenger has grown quite a lot the last couple of years, and since its birth, Facebook's goal has always been to improve the communication process between individuals and ...
Facebook or Instagram: Which Platform is Best For Marketing?

Facebook or Instagram: Which Platform is Best For Marketing?

Facebook, Instagram, Social Media Marketing
Facebook or Instagram: Which Platform is Best For Marketing? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Social media has become the hub of attention. Every day, people spend countless of hours on social media, and that makes it a great place to gain attention and impact your audience on. However, a common question is what kind of social media platforms you should choose. And because Facebook and Instagram are two of the top social media platforms, it's obvious that people will wonder which of them is the best, so they can choose one of them.And although Facebook now owns Instagram, they are still quite different and should not be treated equally. And they should definitely not be approached with the same marketing strategy. And although Facebook now owns Instagram, they ...
Top 9 Mistakes Brands Make When Using Facebook Ads

Top 9 Mistakes Brands Make When Using Facebook Ads

Top 9 Mistakes Brands Make When Using Facebook Ads (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook is constantly changing. This means that it is difficult to stay updated with what is "allowed" on the platform and what is not. For experienced Facebook gurus, mistakes on social media are something they see every single day. What is most surprising though, is that many of these mistakes are not being committed by some startup or small business with a small marketing budget. Instead, it is large corporates with teams of “marketing experts.” This is a sign that mistakes on Facebook can be made by anyone. From startup to marketing professionals. However, they can be prevented by simply becoming aware of them. And that's exactly the reason why I decided to write thi...
Top Mistakes Businesses Make When Using Facebook for Marketing

Top Mistakes Businesses Make When Using Facebook for Marketing

Top Mistakes Businesses Make When Using Facebook for Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook is a tremendously powerful marketing tool for business, however, it also contains a lot of traps and mistakes which brands can commit. The key to a successful Facebook marketing is doing it right, and knowing which things are a big no-no. If you would commit them, they can be severely damaging to your brand. Therefore, it's important that you are extremely careful with what you post and how you use the platform as a marketing tool. If you've been using Facebook for years and still use the same marketing strategy, it is time to learn how Facebook now works, and tweak your current strategies, as they are constantly changing the platform. If...
35 Best Ways to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes

35 Best Ways to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes

, 35 Best Ways to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook currently boasts over 1.94 billion active monthly users, and over 40 million business profiles and those numbers alone should make you realize the immense marketing power Facebook has. Facebook is considered to be one of this era's most powerful social media marketing platforms, where you have a possibility of always going viral. However, as Facebook's organic reach has declined dramatically over the years as a result of people's feed getting more and more saturated thanks to all the content that's being shared, you have to rely on bigger numbers to get the same effect as you used to. As a result, the larger number of followers you have, the bigger chance...
How To Grow a Facebook Group

How To Grow a Facebook Group

Facebook, How-To
How To Grow a Facebook Group (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Growing a Facebook group is great when looking to build new relationships while also promoting your work and getting exposure. Here are some of the most effective ways to grow your Facebook group. 1.Invite your Facebook friends Invite all your friends but don't immediately incorporate them in the group all at once. When you've invited your friends, ask them to invite their friends. In this way, your group will get a large spread very quickly. 2. Post quality content This rule goes for everything on social media. If you want to grow your Facebook group, then the first thing that you are required to do is to update your Facebook account with quality content frequently. When you've updated y...
How To Create Effective Facebook Ads

How To Create Effective Facebook Ads

Facebook, Social Media Marketing
On May 10th Facebook announced a new update that they will start limiting ads that link out to low-quality website experiences. Facebook described what characteristics they will look for in a webpage to determine the quality of the website, it sounded like SEO they will look at. SEO isn´t all just about optimizing your website to be indexed by search engines. It´s also about making a better user experience that keep people more interested with your website. Some examples Facebook might be looking at that creates a better user experience is Mobile device friendly, Page Security, Page Speed, Accessibility, Sitemap for users, and well-formed static links. You can check how to improve your website here. Okay so how do you improve your website to make Facebook ads run more efficiently...
6 Smart Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook

6 Smart Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook

6 Smart Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Struggling to grow your Facebook page in the pace you would like it to? Feeling the effects of Facebook's new news feed algorithm? While many people are discouraged by slow growth and struggle with achieving the results they initially hoped for on Facebook, some are finding smart solutions and tricks to getting the most out of Facebook. Just know that if your engagement on Facebook is declining, you're not alone. This is a common issue that many marketers and brands are struggling with everyday, even the professionals. In this article, I'll therefore supply you with X Smart Ways to Increase Organic Reach on Facebook 1. Share content at non-peak times The firs...
5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Facebook Marketing

5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Facebook Marketing

Facebook, Social Media Marketing
5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Facebook Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Are you putting your efforts into Facebook marketing but don't get the results you were hoping for? A lot of people struggle with this so it might feel good to hear that you're not alone. You might be even more happy to hear that there are tips and tricks that you can use in order to get momentum in your Facebook marketing and finally achieve the results you've always wanted. With these 5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Facebook Marketing, you can do just that. 1. Get to know your target audience It is impossible to get good results from Facebook if you don't know who you are going to target. Getting to know your target audience is an effective way to learn how ...
How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page

How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page

Facebook, How-To
How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To begin with, produce content that is informative, interesting, and educational for your audience. Choose topics that you are an expert on which provide value to your viewers. Join Facebook groups which are specific to your industry. Post up the links to your content in these groups. Don't spam the groups with your content, post up the links on posts where the content you have created solves a problem. Always follow the rules of the group. This is one of the most important tricks on How To Increase Organic Growth On A Facebook Business Page. A tip is also to ask clients to give you reviews on your Facebook page, ask family members to do the same. This raises your...
How To Disconnect Instagram From Facebook

How To Disconnect Instagram From Facebook

Facebook, How-To, Instagram
How To Disconnect Instagram From Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The answer to this quite simple but it can be annoying if you don't know how to do it. There is also very little knowledge regarding this issue on the web so we thought we'd give you a quick and simple tutorial on how to do it. How To Disconnect Instagram From Facebook Go to the settings on the upper right corner when you are running the Instagram app. Click “Linked Accounts”. Click on “Facebook”. Click “Unlink.” You can also do it through Facebook: 1.Go to settings of your facebook account. 2. Find the tab 'apps' there and click on it and then you will see apps that you have given the permissions to access your account details. This was a very short but hopef...
Why Use Instagram When You can Use Facebook?

Why Use Instagram When You can Use Facebook?

Facebook, Instagram
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The question "Why Use Instagram When You can Use Facebook?" is asked by many but what is the real answer? That´s what we will be discussing in this article. The original purpose of Instagram was to share what you shot on your mobile to the world, and this is still true even today. This is why Instagram is called a Social Photo Sharing app. The social part is there, but it’s really the photo sharing that is the most important for Instagram. Facebook started as Social Networking website, the photo sharing part came later. If you are satisfied with sharing your photos (or videos) in your Facebook circle, then you don’t really need Instagram But if your emphasis is to share your photography to the world in the most efficient ...
Facebook Tips That Increases your Engagement

Facebook Tips That Increases your Engagement

Facebook Tips That Increases your Engagement (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The best thing you can do for social engagement anywhere is to know your audience. The last thing you want is to waste your time, energy and/or money marketing to people who will probably never share your content in the social world. In this article, we'll give you some useful Facebook Tips That Increases your Engagement. Get to know your audience the best you can - once you realize what kind of content they like the most, it will be a lot easier for you to prepare posts that would get a high level of engagement make sure you post frequently enough for people not to forget about your brand - the volume of content posted on social media is growing and you need to fit into ...