Friday, October 25

Why Does Not Your Ads Work on Facebook?

Advertising on Facebook works, although this may shock you if you have experimented with it and you have not achieved the results you expected. Let me tell you that it is not so easy to get good results and that it takes time to adjust your ads to be fully effective, but once you achieve, their performance is spectacular.

Let’s first clarify that your ideal client should be found on Facebook, otherwise it does not make sense for you to invest in advertising or waste your time on this social network. I know it seems logical but it is worth commenting to avoid disappointment or worse, throwing away your money.

The changes that Facebook has made in its algorithm have caused some companies and marketers to consider leaving this social network. These changes force us to invest in advertising if we want to expand the reach of our publications, so dominating this platform becomes essential.

How to advertise on Facebook successfully

After managing a few advertising campaigns on Facebook for clients I have seen that they usually make the same mistakes almost always. The truth is that creating ads on Facebook is an art. If you are trying Facebook Ads or if you want to know how to advertise on Facebook correctly (or plan to do so shortly), I recommend you consider the following mistakes that are usually made:

1. You should be clear about the audience

Are you clear about the audience you want to reach with your ad? I usually find ads that “attack” audiences that are too broad. You should know that the narrower and more defined this audience is, the more likely you are to succeed. It is a very typical mistake to create an ad and start segmenting it by interests and adding more and more in an effort to reach more people with our ad. I recommend that you use the Facebook Open Graph to correctly define the audience you want to reach with your ad and also do some tests with the Facebook Custom Audiences.

Publishing ads for people who are not fans is about throwing away the money: they do not know you, and before you have to gain their trust, it is better to first have a critical mass of followers who already know you and know what you are offering.

2. Bland texts

Thousands of ads are written for robots and written in a robotic way. But…there is a human being behind every tweet, blog and email. Remember it. It is not necessary to be an expert in Copywriting to launch an effective advertisement, but we must take care of the text. Before publishing the announcement, review the text and just before giving it to the publish button, revise it.

The text is usually a key part of the success of an advertisement. Include calls to action and make sure the text is attractive enough for your audience. A year ago, when I was confused of my dissertation, I found in a Facebook group, an interesting text leading me to I found a good service and that helped me a lot. This is a good example of how interesting texts work.

3. Images without hook

I think it is not necessary to explain here the importance of using quality images in Facebook advertising, where the visual has a great impact. Using an image without hook, of poor quality or untreated is an error that can lower the CTR of your ads considerably.

My recommendation is to use high-quality images, such as those you can find on Fotolia and give them a creative touch with some text. Remember that in the images that include text, you can not exceed 20% of the surface of the image. If it exceeds 20% Facebook will not approve your ad.

4. Cost too high

Facebook allows you to bid per click (CPC), per 1,000 impressions (CPM) and per impressions optimized (optimized CPM). Be clear that Facebook always wins in this game, and what it is about is that you get profitable. Should I use CPC or CPM? It depends, but I personally love the CPM because it has given me very good results.

My recommendation is that you try and not enter the bidding war that Facebook suggests when you pay per click. Not getting a fair price for advertising is what makes many companies think that Facebook is not a profitable advertising platform when the reality is different.

5. Promote publications

My advice on this point is very clear. Do not click on the button to promote publications! It is the quick solution that is used by those who know little about how advertising works on Facebook, but it is wasting your budget for advertising.

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