Saturday, July 27


5 Tips for Setting Up an Online Business

5 Tips for Setting Up an Online Business

5 Tips for Setting Up an rfnline Business (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Whether you’ve been daydreaming about starting a small business for years, or you’ve had a sudden spark of inspiration, there are many factors to consider before going out on your own. Everything from budget, contacts, staff, and office space impacts those crucial early months as a fledgling business. Online businesses in particular come with a host of added elements you’ll need to tackle to succeed, including digital marketing, social media, search engine optimization, and changing consumer demands and expectations. As the Director of Ecommerce behind an online bathroom brand that’s grown from just family to over 11 employees, there’s certainly been difficulties and challenges ...
How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing

How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing

Business, How-To, Influencer Marketing
How To Measure ROI of Influencer Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A  Forrester report, named "The Right Way to Measure Social Marketing,” found that more than half (53%) of the marketers surveyed said measurement was their main challenge with social marketing. This is of course a big issue because measuring results of your marketing is crucial. Not only to see if it actually pays off but also to learn how you can improve and get a better understanding of how the audience responds to your influencer marketing campaigns. Influencer marketing is growing rapidly but think about the time when there are better ways to measure the ROI of influencer marketing, that's when it will start to gain real ground. Once there are better standards, influencer ...
4 Ways Brands can Benefit From Live streaming

4 Ways Brands can Benefit From Live streaming

4 Ways Brands can Benefit From Live streaming (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Live streaming have many advantages so there's no question why it has grown in popularity over the last couple of years. The launch of Periscope, Facebook Live, Instagram Live and Twitter Live are just some examples on platforms that you can stream live videos to your followers on. Now, there's "two types" of live video. The first kind is live video in the form of private video conferences. These can be held privately for a specific group of people - for example you and your employees. Then there's the publicly open social media live streamings that can be done in a variety of different platforms online. The purpose with those are to increase brand awareness, build trust and...
5 Highly Effective Paid Ways of Increasing Website Traffic

5 Highly Effective Paid Ways of Increasing Website Traffic

Blog, Business, Online Marketing
5 Highly Effective Paid Ways of Increasing Website Traffic "How can I increase my website traffic" is one of the most asked questions when it comes to online marketing and brand building on the web. In this article, I'll be going through 5 highly effective ways to increasing website traffic. How to Increase Website Traffic There are two main categories of website traffic. Paid traffic and Non-paid traffic. Paid traffic is any type of traffic that you have to pay for to obtain. Many mistake paid traffic for solely “PPC” but it goes much further than that. An example is if you pay for display ads and thanks to that ad generate traffic to your website. This sort of traffic is considered to be paid traffic. Pay Per Click advertising (PPC): As the name suggests, you pay for each click t...
Can Video Marketing Gain you More Customers?

Can Video Marketing Gain you More Customers?

Business, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Can Video Marketing Gain you More Customers? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Video marketing is a subject that is becoming increasingly popular in the marketing world, but can you actually gain more customers with the help of it? In this article, I'll be breaking down the truth for you. Can Video Marketing Gain you More Customers? The quick answer which is one we don't satisfy is "That really depends". Here's an overlook on how the ROI of video marketing is changing, from MarketingLand. According to a study made by VidYard, 82% of B2B marketers reported success with video marketing initiatives, 63% of B2B marketers are saying video spending is on the rise & a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%! So by the stats of ...
How a Great Business Culture Can Lead to Success

How a Great Business Culture Can Lead to Success

How a Great Business Culture Can Lead to Success (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Business culture is extremely important. Depending on the culture in your business, it can have huge effects on results and physical wellbeing among the employees. If you have a great business culture, it motivates the employees to work even harder because they want the company to do well. A company with a great business culture also have employees that want to go to work because they enjoy it so much. Compared to having a terrible business culture, where most employees hate their job, put in minimum effort and are just generally unmotivating- it is quite clear which of those your business should aim for. So.. How can you create a great business culture in order to buil...
How to Strengthen Your Customer Relationships

How to Strengthen Your Customer Relationships

Business, Online Marketing
How to Strengthen Your Customer Relationships (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Customer relationships is what drives your business. With great customer service, you can differentiate your company from your competitors. The reason why customer service is so important for businesses is because the customer relationship is often the only contact the customer have with the company.  Obviously, customers are essential to any organization so treating them good and making them fall in love with your business can make them returning customers over and over again. Some customers are spending hundreds or even thousands of dollar as customers each year and the customer relationship is what is going to have a huge effect on if they're going to become returning custom...
How to Make Sales With Discounts and Special Offers

How to Make Sales With Discounts and Special Offers

Business, Instagram, Online Marketing
How to Make Sales With Discounts and Special Offers (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Discounts and special offers have long been an effective way for businesses to make sales. Customers absolutely love the feeling of making a great deal and saving money (even though they are spending). This is why discounts and special deals are very effective when looking to make sales. A lot of business often do their social offers wrong and this is why I though it'd be a great idea to write an article on How to Make Sales With Discounts and Special Offers. The university of Chicago has reported that sales and special offers leads to a 24 percent boost in performance, so why wouldn't you use it? Why you should offer discounts: Discounts have many perks. it can be...
7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List

7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List

Business, Online Marketing
7 Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); According to HubSpot, your email list degrades by about 22.5% every year. The email addresses in your list changes, people hop from one job to another or just simply abandon their email for a new one. This means that you should constantly be working to add new contacts to your email list in order to get better email marketing results. As a marketer, you should see it as your duty to constantly add new email addresses to your list. Therefore, we'll give you some tips and Ways to Build Your Email Subscriber List so you can continue to grow. 1. Prioritize top-quality content The content you put in your newsletters should be one of your main priorities. Your content should b...
How to Improve SEO With Videos

How to Improve SEO With Videos

Business, How-To, SEO
How to Improve SEO With Videos (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); SEO can be improved in many ways and a way to improve SEO that a lot of people don't think about is using videos. In this article, you'll learn How to Improve SEO With Videos and with the help of videos get your site ranked very high and very quickly. 1.Create a short 30 - 60 second video. It can be moving or images, doesn’t matter. Then post that video on your business Google+ page (build one if you don’t have one). 2. Post the video on your website (preferably front page), post on your business youTube channel and make sure your video title includes a search keyword string that your potential customer will search for. The point is- something that includes a widely used search keywor...
How to Target the Right Audience

How to Target the Right Audience

How to Target the Right Audience (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It can be hard to find your target audience and learn which these persons are. For example, your audience can be targeted on the basis of Age, Earning, Education, Trait & Geography. I you are just starting out, knowing what target audience you will serve is one of the first things you should think of. A big mistake you can do is trying to please everyone because this is impossible. Instead, it is important that you can define your target audience. This is essential so you are able to make a product as perfect as it can be to please your audience's needs. Here you can learn 4 simple tips on How to Target the Right Audience. 1. Surveys Surveys can be done in several differen...
Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog

Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog

Blog, Business
Why All Online Businesses Need a Blog (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You might have heard that you should have a blog for your online business but why is that? Simple put- you want traffic to your site and blogging helps generate just that. So far, it is easy to understand but there are more to it than just increasing traffic, even though that is the main reason. Blogging is a great way to build your audience and generate more traffic that can lead to sales. Even if you don't have time to write blog posts consistently,  you should still try to do it as much as possible because blogging WILL help you in terms of website visitors. The reason why blog posts drives traffic to your website is because it improves your SEO. Blogging can also hel...
Effective Ways to Build Backlinks

Effective Ways to Build Backlinks

Business, SEO
Effective Ways to Build Backlinks (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Building backlinks is a great way to increase your website's authority and ultimately rank higher in Google. By having lots of high-quality backlinks, you can improve your search engine rank and get more website visitors. In this article, you can learn about Effective Ways to Build Backlinks 1. Guest posting When guest posting, you are writing articles for other websites. As a return, you can place your website link in the bottom of the article. If you post your articles on a high-authority blog, the results will be better. However, the link that you drop will both gain you direct clicks and improve your SEO. 2. Internal linking to your website Internal Linking is a key practice ...
Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing

Business, How-To, Online Marketing
Why Storytelling is Important in Marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It is often that we hear the word storytelling in marketing but what is it and why is it so important? Storytelling is a way of marketing that has shown to be very effective. As humans, we respond to stories. Storytelling as a strategy in marketing goes way back to the beginning of the 20th century and has in fact been getting stronger in online marketing of today. In order to sell a product, you need to tell people why they need it. But that's too difficult to address, because you can't show every individual why they need the product. Different people have different motivations. Seth Godin said: "Marketing is storytelling. The story of your product, built into y...
Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers

Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers

Blog, Business
Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to generate sales and returning customers but are you converting your website visitors to newsletter subscribers? Your objective should be to gather everybody's email address when they are visiting your website since this will increase the chance of them returning to your website drastically. In this article, we have written about Ways to Convert Website Visitors to Newsletter Subscribers. 1. Giveaways Everybody loves free stuff and using that in order to increase your newsletter subscribers is super effective! Give away anything that might be of value for your website visitors. The more attracting p...
How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup

How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup

Business, How-To
How To Turn An Idea Into a Startup There is no path that is valid for every industry, sector or product you have in mind but there are some commonalities. You already described the most common steps so I will add what is not there. If you are dealing with an enterprise or end-user product/technology this secret sauce(s) are valid: Find alpha user(s) "first" Industrial technology choices are very much relies on large enterprises to accept your technology, product or solution. Hence it makes sense to work with an industrial partner and basically solve their specific problem first. Then take a step back and generalize it to use with others. This accelerates adoption rates much faster than trying to develop the idea outside and somehow inject into large enterprises. This off course ...