Sunday, September 8


Using Snapchat For Business Marketing

Using Snapchat For Business Marketing

Business, Snapchat, Social Media Marketing
Using Snapchat for business marketing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you’re new to the app, here’s what you need to know: a person or brand (anyone with a Snapchat can send photos and videos - called Snaps - to their friends and followers. These Snaps can then be viewed for up to 10 seconds before they disappear. Colorful filters, face-swapping effects, messaging, and other playful functions have made this app wildly successful with people of all ages. Every single day, Snapchat reaches 41% of all 18 to 34 year-olds in the United States. Half of all new users signing up for Snapchat are over the age of 25. This means that Snapchat can be a way for your business to both connect with the younger generation aswell as the older one. With Over 150 mi...
How To Increase Sales Through Instagram

How To Increase Sales Through Instagram

Business, How-To, Instagram, Social Media Marketing
How To Increase Sales Through Instagram With over 2 billion active users worldwide, social media has become a terrific channel for businesses to connect with their customers, increase brand awareness, build trust, incrase auhority, increase and much, much more. More and more companies are realizing the potential of social media, trying to hop on the most modern form of marketing in order to stay on-trend. So, if you aren't using social media for your brand yet, make sure hop on it as quickly as you can, so you're not late to the party. When it comes to learning how to use Instagram, it all starts with creating images that speak volumes. Your images on Instagram need to be creative, evocative, eye-catching and give your brand the positioning it deserves. 1.Sell the Experience, Not...
Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Business, Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur Apart from what some people tend to believe - and others want you to believe, there are no secrets or shortcuts to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Those who want you to believe that there is a secret and a "quick way to become successful" are those who gain something from it - often times, they are selling programs on how to become successful. The only secret to becoming a successful entrepreneur is hard work and consistency, but of course, knowing a few things will help you be more efficient with time and achieve more. In this article, I'll present 8 Habits To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur. 1. Prioritize When working with your own business, there are a million things to keep track of. Therefore, it's importa...