Saturday, July 27

Online Marketing

How To Start a Career as a Floral Designer – Done Entirely Online

How To Start a Career as a Floral Designer – Done Entirely Online

How-To, Online Marketing
Would you like to become an accredited floral designer who creates beautiful arrangements for others? It is an ideal career path for artistic people who want to provide an important service in local communities through heartfelt moments or fashionable flair. The floral design business is always in demand, and if you have a passion for flowers and designing, this may be the perfect career path for you. Be your own boss and do something you absolutely love is something that many people aspire to do. Here are three critical steps that will help you learn how to become an in-demand floral designer and business owner. Step One: Identify Your Personality Traits Do you have what it takes to be a floral designer? Here are a few personality traits you need: Artistry: An artistic trait...
3 Frequently Asked Questions About Website Speed (Infographic)

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Website Speed (Infographic)

Online Marketing
Have you ever wondered how website speed affects your online business? Or perhaps you are struggling with slow page load time but are not sure about how to improve it? Or maybe your site pages are loading pretty fast on desktops but not mobile devices and you don't know why that is? If any of these are true, this post is just for you. The infographic assembled by the website experts over at the Hosting Tribunal addresses all those issues. Have a look. How Website Speed Impacts Your Business? Site page loading time is a key determiner of success for online businesses. Not website content, website layout, or landing pages. No doubt these are important too, but if there's one factor that alone can make or break your online business, then it is website speed. Did you know that a ...
How Small Businesses Can Combine Online and Offline Marketing Effectively

How Small Businesses Can Combine Online and Offline Marketing Effectively

Online Marketing
Marketing is often divided into online and offline marketing, united in the goal of reaching your target market and bringing them to your store or website. Seeing them as separate projects can lead to divided efforts as you try to manage them separately, and it certainly leads to much more data to be analyzed. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are a few tips on how small businesses can combine online and offline marketing effectively. Cross-Reference and Cross-Pollinate When you send out mailers and postcards, reference your business’s website on the printed materials. Your newspaper ads should include your website and social media profiles. Share offline marketing efforts like trade shows and seminars via your social media accounts. When you’re at trade shows, hand out busin...
How Can You Become a Master in Digital Marketing

How Can You Become a Master in Digital Marketing

Online Marketing
If you either use a computer, laptop or smartphone, then you are undoubtedly experiencing digital marketing. Because everything you see either an email, search results in search engines such as Google, an advertisement on social media such as Facebook, a text message on your phone, or a post by an influencer on Instagram is a part of Digital marketing. Also, digital marketing encompasses and leverages all digital channels to promote goods and services of a business that you desire to buy. As the use of digital marketing is increasing day by day so, most people are opting for digital marketing as a career choice.  If you are also willing in the career potential of digital marketing, then below are the suggested learning paths for you to learn in digital marketing. Also, following thes...
3 Fatal Email Marketing Mistakes that Kill Your Campaign

3 Fatal Email Marketing Mistakes that Kill Your Campaign

Online Marketing
The business world is fast-changing with most businesses opting for the online business platform due to the numerous benefits. These include the ability to reach a large number of users at the click of a button. This is due to the new technological advancements--which continue to impact the culture, relationships, and efficiency of businesses. As a result, most people rely on online marketing tools, basking in their effectiveness when it comes to sales conversion. You worked hard to build these sales, don’t make marketing mistakes that cause unsubscribes and kill your email marketing campaign! Email marketing has gained ground as one of the commonly used online marketing tools. It now holds a great role in consumer targeting. Not only is email marketing inexpensive, but it has also b...
8 Thought Provoking Reasons Your Content Marketing Has Failed

8 Thought Provoking Reasons Your Content Marketing Has Failed

Online Marketing
You started your content marketing efforts with great hope. After all, you’ve seen other brands use it to great success. Now, there’s a problem. All the things you hoped for aren’t bearing fruit: Increased Traffic More Followers Email Subscriptions Better Social Engagement Quality Lead Generation Conversions It’s frustrating enough to tempt you back to more traditional forms of marketing. Don’t give up yet. Most content marketing failures can be contributed to one of eight factors. Sometimes, it’s a combination of these things. In this article,  we discuss the most common reasons why content marketing fails and what you can do about it. Take an honest look at your digital marketing efforts, and see if you recognize any of these. 1. You’re Being Too Impatient ...
5 Tips on Writing an SEO-Friendly Youtube Video Description

5 Tips on Writing an SEO-Friendly Youtube Video Description

Online Marketing, SEO
The landscape of content marketing is drastically changing and vlogging is quickly becoming the in-thing for millions of marketers across the world. There is so much you can achieve by combining your content with quality videos and the best thing is that this does not cost much when compared to other modes of marketing. However, as you embrace this effective marketing method, it is important to understand how things work in order to reap big and reach out to the ever increasing number of YouTube subscribers across the world.  One of the key features you will need to understand is how to write effective SEO-friendly YouTube video descriptions, title, and relevant tags. As a marketer, your customer acquisition largely depends on Search Engine Optimization but this must be done profess...
67 Staggering YouTube Statistics you Need to See

67 Staggering YouTube Statistics you Need to See

Online Marketing
YouTube is undeniably the video sharing platform of this era. It is the second largest search engine in the world, and in recent years, its growth has exploded, much because of the increased demand for video content from consumers. Today, you probably find yourself watching more video tutorials instead of reading, more videos from influencers within your space, and everything in between. And most likely, you probably find yourself on YouTube most of the time when watching. With its huge database of video content, there’s essentially video content about anything and everything, as long as it complies with YouTube’s rules. Humans are visual creatures, and so it’s not very strange that we now consume video content more than ever. The fact is that humans have always been visual cre...
208+ Staggering Video Marketing Statistics You Need to See

208+ Staggering Video Marketing Statistics You Need to See

Online Marketing
You try to do something but not sure how to do it. What do you do? More and more, you’ve probably found yourself turning to YouTube for an informational video in order to learn how you do it. In fact, chances are, in recent times you’ve found yourself consuming more video content than you’ve done before. You’re not alone. In fact, video marketing statistics tell us that people will spend an average of 47.4 minutes a day viewing online videos this year, up considerably from 39.6 minutes in 2016, on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, and other platforms where video content can be consumed. Moreover, 85% of people say they’d like to see more video from brands in 2018. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, it has been difficult to miss t...
29 Killer Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

29 Killer Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

Online Marketing
Wondering how you can repurpose blog content? Back in the days, blogging used to be much easier than it is today. Of course, if you just recently started out blogging, you’re quite fortunate, because you’ve never experienced the huge competitive contrast. Now, I am generally no person who romanticise the past, but it is safe to say that it was a lot easier gaining traction and succeeding with blogging a few years ago. But that doesn’t really come as a surprise, does it? More people than ever are using the internet, and more websites and blogs exist on the web than ever. In fact, in 2015, more than 2 million blog posts were shared every single day on the web. You can expect that number to be much higher today, and that it won’t be slowing down anytime soon, either. As a...
4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog

4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog

Online Marketing
4 Effective Tips for Getting More Visibility for Your Blog It takes time and hard work to build a successful blog. Most bloggers have dreams of grandeur when they pen their first post. They imagine a flood of traffic to their site, with thousands of visitors reading and agreeing with the topic at hand.  When the post fails to drive the intended traffic to your site, feelings of disappointment curb the bloggers' enthusiasm, resulting in the writer abandoning their idea. What does it take to create, manage, and maintain a successful blog? Follow these 4 effective tips for boosting the visibility and readership of your work. 1.    Create Captivating Content with Viral Potential  “On the internet, content is king.” Bill Gates shared this wisdom with internet marketers many years ago...
21 Obvious tells you have a low-quality web host [Infographic]

21 Obvious tells you have a low-quality web host [Infographic]

Online Marketing
Web hosting is one of the basic foundations of a successful website. Without the backing of a reliable web host, you would not be able to make it big in the online world. As such, one needs to research and put in a little effort before selecting a hosting service provider for their website. A good web host will ensure that your site is functioning smoothly at all times with no or minimal downtime. It will ensure that your site enjoys faster speed, which will help you rank better in the search result. It will provide you with the latest technologies that are needed to keep your site up-to-date. Moreover, it will protect your website from security threats such as spam, virus, malware, and others. A low-quality web host, on the other hand, can cause a lot of issues that could hurt your ...
15 Content Creation tips to Attract More Visitors to Your Site

15 Content Creation tips to Attract More Visitors to Your Site

Online Marketing
In today's marketplace, every content creator strives to be better than the other. This competitiveness is good because it makes us step out of our comfort zones and act as we should act. Entrepreneurship is not easy. You chose it, now assume it. To be successful in today’s digital marketplace, your content must shine. In today’s post, I’m sharing 15 insightful content creation tips that’ll help you attract more relevant visitors to your website. Pay attention and apply! 1. Quality is King You should always focus to produce and distribute quality content. That’s the number one rule of digital marketing. To produce effective results, the information you transmit to the world wide web has to be qualitative. You can spot the differences in the quality of content when you look for d...
11 Digital Marketing Types You Need to Know About

11 Digital Marketing Types You Need to Know About

Online Marketing
Curious about the different digital marketing types? Digital marketing is a large word which houses a large number of marketing types and activities. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, chances are, you’ve heard about the importance of digital marketing and all the benefits that come with it. But with a large number of marketing approaches falling under the digital marketing category, how will you know which you should use? In fact, if you don’t know what digital marketing types exist, how can you know possibly know which digital marketing type is best suited for your brand and objectives? (The answer is, you can't.) Digital marketing has time and time over proven itself to be far superior over traditional marketing, but that doesn’t mean all digital mar...
The Complete and Only Guide to Video Marketing You’ll Ever Need

The Complete and Only Guide to Video Marketing You’ll Ever Need

Online Marketing
Want to become a video marketing expert? In an earlier post of mine, I spoke about the famous quote "a picture says more than a thousand words". I then threw out there the idea that if a picture says more than a thousand words, what does a video that is filmed in 30 or 60 fps say? In theory, it’d say quite a lot, right? This would mean that video is tremendously powerful, and it seems like my theory isn’t far from the truth, because the statistics about video marketing speaks quite clearly. An equation could look like this: 1 picture = 1,000 words Video shoots at 30 frames per second 1 second of video = 30,000 words 30,000 words x 60 seconds = 1.8 million. And all of that makes sense, with the fact that humans are visual creatures, in mind. Just look ...
Top 19 Online Marketing Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore

Top 19 Online Marketing Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore

Online Marketing
Curious about the online marketing benefits? The number of internet users has skyrocketed since it first came around. In 2017, it was estimated that 3.58 billion people were using the internet. This means that people are moving from the more traditional ways of consuming content and accessing information such as the likes of newspaper and television, and, instead, spend an increased amount of time on the internet. For marketers, one might say that the internet has completely turned upside down on the marketing industry. When the internet was just a baby, many people laughed at the internet, calling it a fad, and the fact that you would use internet marketing was unthinkable. Until you realize that marketers only trade on one thing: attention. Everything you do in marke...
16 Killer Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Performance

16 Killer Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Performance

Online Marketing
Want to improve your email marketing performance? How many times have we heard that something within the marketing space is dead? Print ad is dead, television ads are dead, radio ads are dead… and so on. Email marketing is one of those marketing tactics that we’ve heard is dead for many years now, yet despite this, email marketing is part of almost all brands’ marketing strategies. Why is that? Well, the plain and simple reason is that email marketing isn’t in fact dead. If email marketing wouldn’t work, brands wouldn’t be using it. So what’s the reason that we time and time over hear that email marketing is dead? Most of all, the people who are saying that are the people who have been using email marketing for years, and these individuals romanticise how it used to be...
How Automotive Industry Can Benefit from Digital Marketing

How Automotive Industry Can Benefit from Digital Marketing

Online Marketing
Buying a car is a serious thing to do, and that is perhaps why the automotive industry has been a little slower than most others to pick up the digital trends. When you buy something this expensive, most people probably thought, it is better to see things with your own eyes and resolve possible issues personally. However, the situation changes. More and more people prefer to find out online if this or that car is affordable, suitable for their purposes and possesses the necessary functionality. Fewer and fewer people believe it to be required to go around car dealerships and discuss things in person – their customer's journey is gradually moving into the digital sphere. For businesses, this means that they have to pay greater attention to their online marketing, probably for the fir...
77 Breathtaking Facts About Cyber Crimes (Infographic)

77 Breathtaking Facts About Cyber Crimes (Infographic)

Online Marketing
Are you protected and safe from cyber crimes? Cybercrime is taking this modern, digitally connected world by storm. Unfortunately for us, cybercriminals have caught on to the fact that we as a race have an ever increasing reliance and demand for the internet, smart devices, our computers and online shopping. Because of our reliance and widespread use of all things tech, the internet is a treasure trove for cybercriminals who want to get their dirty hands on our data, which is the internet's most valuable commodity. Cybercriminals target individuals, groups and large organizations in a calculated bid to steal this data and auction it off to the highest bidder or use it for their own personal gain. With data, cybercriminals can steal your identity, take over your financial accounts ...