Friday, October 25

15 Content Creation tips to Attract More Visitors to Your Site

In today’s marketplace, every content creator strives to be better than the other. This competitiveness is good because it makes us step out of our comfort zones and act as we should act.

Entrepreneurship is not easy. You chose it, now assume it.

To be successful in today’s digital marketplace, your content must shine. In today’s post, I’m sharing 15 insightful content creation tips that’ll help you attract more relevant visitors to your website. Pay attention and apply!

1. Quality is King

You should always focus to produce and distribute quality content. That’s the number one rule of digital marketing. To produce effective results, the information you transmit to the world wide web has to be qualitative.

You can spot the differences in the quality of content when you look for details. Does the writer/brand give extra value even though they weren’t supposed to? Do they truly care? That’s what your customers are subconsciously wondering!

2. Be Relevant

Relevancy is key in everything. More often than not, you’re promoting something in order to receive something in return. Therefore, you should respect your side of the deal and stick to what you promised in the headline.

In addition, to be relevant means to respect your target audience’s time. They come to you for a certain reason. Don’t lead them in a different direction unless they want to go!

3. Be Helpful

“Think of your reader like you think of your best friend. If you were to recommend your best friend an article, a video, or a podcast to consume, you’d want him to receive only the best quality material.” – Mark Hutson, Marketing Manager at

Simply put, you want that content to help your friend. Do the same with your readers and you will be their best friend forever. Their payment will be in engagement, feedback, and cash.

4. Educate and Inspire

Inspire your audience while educating them on what they need to be educated. If you hold the higher knowledge, don’t keep it for yourself.  Write educational content instead of “advertising content”.

For example, instead of pitching a pillow, distribute an educational video on how sleeping on bad pillows is affecting your target audience’s energy, motivation, focus, or whatever quality you believe that they need the most. Educate them first and sell after.

Content marketing

5. Provide True Value

True value means “truly worth it”. If your readers respect you to consume your content, reward their time, attention, and effort. Provide TRULY valuable information that’s both practical and true.

What I’m saying is that you should never post anything unless you are absolutely sure that the material you’re making available is going to make a change or will be helpful for encouraging change.

6. Write Powerful CTAs

To produce quick results, you should leverage the power of CTAs (calls-to-action). Simply put, tell your readers what to do next and don’t give them too much time to think. If your content lacks effective CTAs, people will simply skip to another source that manages to tell them what to do.

Call to actions in marketing

7. Encourage Readers to Leave Feedback and Respond all the Time

Every time someone consumes your content, they should be used to leave a comment below, telling what’s on their mind. If you manage to create that type of community around your website, you’ll win!

Obviously, you should ALWAYS answer your reader’s comments and get personal every now and then. Negative comments will come. Your best option is to answer each of them. If you don’t you’re hurting your company’s reputation more than you’re protecting it. Ignorance is severely punished, don’t forget that!

8. Don’t Neglect SEO

Write for your customers but don’t neglect the search engines. Try to develop a balance between these two aspects and you’ll be able to satisfy both parties.

I’d suggest you don’t even consider the SEO side when you write your content. Think about your future readers and make the content creation process like a monologue. See the other person behind the screen and try to imagine that you’re typing an extremely organized and structured message.

After you’re finished with your conversation, you should start adding or altering a few keywords. Don’t overdo it, but don’t neglect it either!

9. Post with Your Target Audience in Mind

Don’t post anything before you know exactly:

  • What you’re posting (a general idea and the type of content – text, video, audio)
  • Why you’re posting it – what is the reason? What is the effect that you want to produce for the reader?
  • Who is your reader?
  • How does he think, emote, and behave?
  • What would interest him/her the most in this specific piece of content?

Once you have answered these questions, you are ready to make your next move. Don’t skip this process, otherwise, you’ll be wasting time, money, and energy chasing the wrong people!

10. Tell a Good Story

Tell good stories and people will love you. If you use your common sense, you’ll realize that all the people who tell good stories are being liked by others. Use this knowledge to do better online!

A story that showcases your brand’s qualities, features, or products will be surely helpful for your branding and marketing performance. However, you need to start thinking out of the box and start rebranding your business unless it’s already featuring some great unique twists and value propositions.

11. Appeal to Your Reader’s Emotions

People are emotional beings. If you know how your readers think and how they feel about certain ideas, concepts, products, or solutions, you should leverage your higher knowledge to put their attention exactly where you want it to be.

Attention comes only once your prospect is emotionally engaged (and eventually involved). Your triggers should be emotional and should be very well-thought and placed. Don’t arise certain emotions unless there’s a very good reason behind it!

12. Write Evergreen Content

If you want your content to be consumed ten years from now, you should strive to create something that isn’t subject to change. For example, write about “10 ways to live a healthy life” instead of “10 ways in which Spanish people live in 2018”

Of course, you should also cover subjects that happen in the present moment but focus on the evergreen ones more. I believe you should aim for a balance, that being the best way to see what works best for your own business.

13. Create Different Types of Content

Don’t write just articles. Go for videos, infographics, graphics, social media stories, pictures, audio content, and so on. Figure out what your web visitors want to consume the most and give them exactly that.

Let your customers tell you what they enjoy the most and let the indirect feedback (the engagement on each post) tell you what’s working best. Once you find the media type that works best for your own site, scale it as much as you can!

14. Analyze and Measure Your Results

You can’t know whether your content has a positive or a negative performance unless you analyze your results. Use different analytics tools to track the number of visitors that visit your pages. These tools help you see specifically which types of content work the best, what headlines, what general topics, and so on.

If you expect long-term results without consistently paying attention to your statistics and performance, you are chasing a false dream. Digital marketing is 0 without data. Start gathering it and using it and you’ll see the difference!

15. Consistently Optimize Your Performance

The keyword here is GROWTH. You need to grow your knowledge, skills, and results. Why do you need to do it?

Well, think about why you started in the first place. I believe that the biggest reason would be freedom. The freedom to do whatever you want with your life without being dependent on money.

Therefore, until you reach that objective and make your future freedom a true reality, you shouldn’t stop your work. I believe you should work hard, every day, and you should keep reminding yourself that this hustle is temporary.

Enjoy it instead of avoiding it because it’s part of the process. Believe it or not, the journey is all that matters, not the result. Treat it so and you’ll win no matter what you do!


Take these tips into consideration, use the ones you resonate the most with, and take real action until you achieve everything you desire.

Pay attention: to exponentially improve your results, you should leverage your willpower to develop discipline and consistency in your work. Content writing is definitely more complex and bigger than most webmasters see it. Put some real passion in the process and you’ll succeed with whatever you want!

Article written by guest writer chris12richardson.

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