Sunday, June 2

Search Results for: pinterest

How to Market Your Brand in the Saturated Landscape of Social Media

How to Market Your Brand in the Saturated Landscape of Social Media When using social media for marketing, you’re essentially doing one thing: fighting to get people’s attention. This is especially true for marketers –  no matter where you’re spending your marketing efforts. If you’re buying ad space in television, you’re essentially buying people’s attention […]

14 Ways to Get Started With Social Media Marketing For Your Business Today

14 Ways to Get Started With Social Media Marketing For Your Business Today In recent years, social media has become a more and more important part of businesses’ marketing strategies. From multi-billion dollar companies like Coca-Cola to small startup companies There’s no doubt that social media marketing works, and that it helps brands achieve incredible […]

67 Powerful Benefits Of Social Media Marketing For Your Business

67 Powerful Benefits Of Social Media Marketing For Your Business You have probably heard how powerful and effective social media is for marketing a million times before. But why is that so? Simply saying “social media is great for marketing” doesn’t tell us a lot, right? Sure, you can take a look at 51 Powerful Social […]


Veloce International-Founded 2016. Is a blog and information´s website that gathers answers to questions regarding social media, Instagram, Facebook, Blogs, Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, lifestyle, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO and so much more! – “The word Veloce comes from Italy and means Fast in English”  

Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots

Why You Shouldn’t use Social Media Automation and Bots Social media automation and the use of bots is a subject that is discussed a lot- but also very little. What the hell do I mean? Well, there are many different types of social media automation, but in this article, we’re going to focus on bot […]

9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using

9 Instagram Features You Didn’t know Exist That You Should be Using Almost everything you use has “hidden” features. Most of the time, it’s not that it’s hidden by purpose, but the features have to be placed somewhere, and as a result, people might never get aware of their existence because they’re not actively searching […]

How To Convert Your Twitter Followers Into Repeat Customers

How To Convert Your Twitter Followers Into Repeat Customers Twitter is a powerful marketing tool. I could spend this whole article rambling on about the statistics of Twitter, but as a marketer, you’re probably well aware of all those. What’s more, you’re probably getting tired of seeing statistics all the time – even if they […]

5 Tips to Grow Your Business Using Social Media

5 Tips to Grow Your Business Using Social Media Social media is a powerful tool. Have you lost interest yet? We hear that expression all the time! “Social media is vital for your business”, “Social media is great for marketing”, “You need to use social media”, and so on… But what does that really mean? […]

How To Dramatically Improve Your Social Media Results in 5 Simple Steps

How To Dramatically Improve Your Social Media Results in 5 Simple Steps   In order to improve your results, in the long run, it’s not enough to simply bump up your ad budget – even though that can be helpful short term. To improve your results quickly – and get them to stay there, you […]