Friday, October 25

When to Start Offshore Development

Offshore outsourcing is a useful model if your company requires a fresh start based on rapid development. Hundreds of companies have already started offshore development by working with teams of IT professionals abroad. In-house vs. offshore development teams is a popular debate in the business world, so it’s important to look through the key aspects before starting up offshore development.

Benefits of Offshore Development

Undoubtedly, offshore outsourcing involves both pros and cons. As for some possible risks, tech companies are often afraid of excessive expenses utilizing offshore development teams. Besides, working offshore with local partners can be time-consuming, resulting in additional challenges for the organization. Nevertheless, several advantages underpin that offshore development is quite beneficial:

  • ability to get talented and skillful software engineers;
  • cost-reducing strategy;
  • opportunity to become more competitive in the global market;
  • rapid advancement;
  • opportunity to handle multiple projects. 

Signs You are Ready to Start Offshore Development

If the company faces any of the situations listed below, it is high time to think about the implementation of an offshore development team to “beef up” further development.  

1.Lack of skillful tech specialists in your in-house team

There is a need to analyze the working capacity of the in-house team. Several questions can help to evaluate the current situation. First of all, does your company have enough specialists to cope with the workload? The latest statistics show that more and more IT companies face challenges due to the urgent need for talent. The recruitment of skillful tech specialists can cost a lot of money and take quite a long period of time. Therefore, offshoring could provide an opportunity to find a competent IT specialist quickly (and even save money).

2.Tight deadlines

The second question you should ask: Is my company able to overcome the challenge with multiple projects at once? It is a common situation when an in-house team is overloaded with difficult tasks. In case the company cannot handle several projects in a short deadline, there is a need to offshore the development and hire tech specialists abroad. You can build your own offshore development center in Ukraine to increase the capacity of the organization. 

3.Urgent Need for Innovation

Innovation is a vital aspect of the advancement of a company in any sphere, and especially in tech. In this context, offshoring software development implies the flow of fresh ideas due to employing talented and dedicated software engineers with the help of professional IT recruiters. Hence, the offshore development team predisposes variety in the workforce by hiring talented developers.   

How to Start Offshore Development

If these signs correspond to the current situation in your company, an offshore development team is the best option for advancement. The first step is to find a reliable partner to collaborate. Companies like Alcor aims to provide highly-qualified support for offshore development centers of foreign tech companies in Ukraine. Besides that, Alcor supplies IT companies with such services as headhunting the best IT talents (and executive search for rare specialists). They also provide further support for HR payroll, legal compliance, and office maintenance. That’s why your cooperation with such a company can be a beneficial solution to fill the gaps with tech talent.

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