Tuesday, January 14

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

Building a website is an art and driving traffic likewise. There are tons of different ways in which you can increase your website traffic with. Some are a bit tricky to master, some cost money, some demand hard work, some only take a few seconds.

In this article, I thought I’d share with you a list of 13 ways to increase your website traffic. It’s a mix of paid methods, common methods, less common methods. What they all have in common, however, is that they drive traffic to your website.

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

1. Content is king when it comes to increasing traffic to your website. Therefore, you should publish new content often while providing value with the content you share. It is also important to post unique and informative content as this will result in more visitors long-term.

2. Keep your content fresh on your website. The content you share might need to be improved and edited after some time. Statistics that might need adjustments or dead links that have arisen are the two most common problems with old content. These two things also hurt your search ranking so make sure you are constantly renewing your old content so it stays up-to date

2. Make website mobile friendly. This one is a quick-fix but it’s a very important one. One of Google‘s ranking factors is mobile friendliness. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, it will seriously harm your search engine ranking, and you might become blacklisted on Google.

So make sure you make your website mobile friendly.

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website
Source: Clickseed

3. Use target keyword in URL & Meta tags and image alt text to get a better ranking on the keywords you’re trying to target. You want to target the keywords relevant to your niche and that’s exactly what Meta tags, image alt texts, and URLs do. Make sure these are including the keyword you’re trying to get your page to rank for to improve your chances of ranking high in Google.

4. Make your URL short and memorable. Now, this might be difficult in after hand but when setting up your website, make sure your domain name is short and memorable. Preferably, you should include the main keyword in your domain name as it will help you rank higher in Google because domain names with the keyword in it have more ranking power.

5. Use Social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Digg, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.

Social media can help drive serious traffic to your website so why not use it? Engage with your target audience by searching for niche-specific hashtags and talk to them on a very personal level. Add your website link in your bio and make posts about your website.

Related: How to get FREE traffic from social media
6. Guest posting is one the most popular and effective ways of increase your website traffic. At least if you have any god content to share. Get in touch with websites that have higher authority than your website and ask them if they would be interested in having you as a guest writer. Not only do you build your reputation and get direct traffic from the readers, you’re also getting backlinks which are super valuable for your website’s ranking on Google.

Websites who accepts guest posts often have a guest-posting page where you can apply to write.

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

If you are interested in guest-writing for Veloce International, don’t hesitate to send us an email to: hello@veloceinternational.com!
7. Participate in forums related to your niche, a.k.a Forum Posting. Forums within your niche is a great place to chat to like-minded people, engage with your target audience and make a name for yourself within that industry, Forums can also help generate direct traffic, for example with links in your bio or it could help your overall ranking on search engines with backlinks.

8. Having engaging content on your website can increase traffic. Your website shouldn’t only be about you, in the sense of not making your visitors engaged in your content.  Your website should include engaging content for two main reasons. First, by making your visitors engaged, they’ll be more loyal followers of your blog/website.

Secondly (this one is important), by inviting your visitors to engage with you, you’re increasing the chances of getting them to share your website content with their friends, for example on social media. Getting other people to do the sharing for you can help increase your website very quickly.

9. Create infographics. Everyone loves infographics! They’re fun, easy to read, and most importantly – easy to share. A lot of websites are putting the code of the infographic in the bottom of the page and let other people use it on their websites. This is an extremely clever tactic since you can get a ton of backlinks while building your website name.

10. Blog Commenting. Blog commenting is great for building connections and increasing your website traffic. Some websites allow you to share your link in the comment section (which gives a backlink – follow and no-follow) but some only allow you to add your website link in your comment name.

Some don’t allow it at all. These can give both direct traffic and traffic in the form of better ranking on search engines. Therefore, blog commenting on blogs within your niche is a very effective way of increasing your traffic.

11. Optimize your title. Google search console helps you get a better understanding of how your website is ranking on different keywords so you can make small changes to your posts to make them rank better.

Optimizing your titles can make a huge difference. If you are ranking fairly good for a closely related keyword that you have targeted, it might be a good idea to optimize your title to rank on the top of the search engine results page, because it’s in the top results of search engines you’ll get the real amount of traffic.

13 Top Ways To Drive Traffic To Website

12.Link building is an important part of Google’s ranking system. The more links you have linking to your website from other websites, the better your website will rank. Well, not quite. All links are not worth the same.

Google takes website authority of a linking website into great consideration. The ultimate goal is to receive as many links as possible from high authority websites.

If you have that plus great content on your website, you can be sure to rank very high in Google and there get an insane amount of traffic.

13. Site speed is also very important when it comes to Google’s ranking criteria. Google hates slow websites and will punish you for it by ranking you far down. Improve your website to make it as quick as possible.

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