Saturday, July 27

Tag: cybersecurity

5 Effective Cybersecurity Measures To Protect Sensitive Data

5 Effective Cybersecurity Measures To Protect Sensitive Data

Tips & tricks
Innovations in the field of technology have strengthened cybersecurity capabilities. Recent reports, however, show that cyberattacks are quickly matching that progress. Just in July of 2023, 87 publicly disclosed security breaches saw 146,290,598 compromised records. The companies and organizations that collect and process your information are obliged to have strong cybersecurity measures in place. Still, they remain vulnerable to cyber attacks. To safeguard your devices from unauthorized access and protect your privacy, consider the following personal cybersecurity measures. 1. Safeguard your personally identifiable information Personally identifiable information (PII) refers to data that can identify an individual, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, Social Security...
How To Safeguard Your Business Finances Against Cyber Threats: Our Top Tips

How To Safeguard Your Business Finances Against Cyber Threats: Our Top Tips

Business, Tips & tricks
Cyber threats are real. They're significant. They pose a constant risk to businesses, particularly to your business finances. Cyber threats target your financial resources. They exploit weaknesses in your security. They attack your online bank accounts, steal your financial data and disrupt your financial systems. Protecting your business from cyber threats is a must. It's not an option. It's not a 'nice-to-have'. It's a necessity. Your business survival depends on it. Here are some tips to safeguard your business finances against cyber threats. Implementing Cybersecurity Best Practices Cybersecurity practices are essential. They act as a shield for your business finances. Firewalls, encryption, and regular software updates are critical. Firewalls are your first line of...
How SEO Experts Can Hide Their Footprints Using VPN

How SEO Experts Can Hide Their Footprints Using VPN

Data breaches and privacy concerns are a bane to businesses everywhere and today, there’s no short supply of hackers and snoopers and more online. Like a burglar in the night, they hide and wait for the right moment to launch their attack. You rarely see them coming, but the aftermath of data breaches and destruction is evident. IBM reported that in 2018, data breaches cost U.S. businesses an average of $3.9 million and it took 279 days before the breach was even discovered and contained. Finding ways to protect your business and clients is essential and that includes the expanding industry of search engine optimization and SEO experts. SEO allows businesses to expand their online influence via search engine results, online marketing, social media and more. Yet, one SEO tactic that o...