Ways to Find Your Target Audience on Social Media
Finding your target audience on social media is extremely important if you are a business. If you can´t find people who are genuinely interested in your social media page, then you will grow slowly, have a bad engagement and your social media pages won´t give a very good return of investment in terms of time spent. This is why it is very important to find your targeted audience and get them to recognize and engage with you. This is why we have written “Ways to Find Your Target Audience on Social Media” that will give you some tips on how you can do this.
To begin with, knowing who your target audience is one of the must know pieces of info for any marketing strategy. Identifying them from a basic level of demographics should be done by the owner of the brand/product (or who is in charge of it). This is simply because they would know what problem the product solves and more importantly who will need it.
Ways to Find Your Target Audience on Social Media:
- Join targeted groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and make a name for yourself by engaging with posts, asking questions and better learning your audience. Once you have a strong presence there, consider a single sales post once a month with a clear value or solution to that audience.
- Invest in targeted advertising on all platforms. Zero in on audiences by interests, behaviors and connections. If you have an email list, consider Lookalike audiences on Facebook ads. Drive traffic to a landing page, to join your email list, and to follow your social media accounts. Essentially, lead your target audience to you.
- Research influencer marketing. Find leaders that have a massive following of your target audience, leaders that do not directly compete with you. Pay for posts occasionally on their Instagram, or any other platform. This will again lead your target audience to you.
There are also a bunch of paid tools that will help you understand the online behavior of your target audience. Some of them are Global Web Index, ComScore and eMarketer. This tools offer a wealth of information from visited websites and social media platforms, mobile vs desktop usage, research and purchased categories online (just to name a few). A less effective but free method would be to google it and try finding free reports by research companies like Nielsen or Milward brown.