Saturday, July 27

Trending Logo Colors in 2022

A successful logo is an important part of brand success and popularity. It determines what associations a company will evoke in a new audience, whether the brand will be remembered, whether it will be trusted. A logo has a whole list of functions and tasks that it fulfills for a business, and for this, it must meet several criteria. In this article, we’ll tell you what functions logos perform and what trendy colors are typical for 2022.

A logotype is a unique stylized image that refers to a company, business, or organization and is used by them to identify themselves. A logo is needed to emphasize its particularity and individuality, to stand out among competitors, and to be remembered by the audience.

Logo functions

Many business owners still do not fully understand the importance of a unique and high-quality logo. Even if they order its development, they do it just because «so do all» or «a competitor has, so I need to, too. With this approach, you often get blatantly weak work that does not meet the goals of the company and does not bring her value.

The logo was useful and helped businesses to develop and promote their products and services, it is important to understand its design and why a business specifically needs it. So let’s look at its main functions.

Quality assurance in the eyes of the consumer

An attractive logo symbolizes to customers that the brand’s products are of high quality. This is especially useful in the case of new customers who are not yet familiar with your products and judge them only by their external attributes. And here the logic of thought is: if the manufacturer has put the logo on his products, it means he is proud of it and he is not shy to announce publicly who made it.

A way to inform your audience

The logo can be used to convey basic information about the company to the audience: the field in which it operates, the country of production, the key features and properties of the product, the company’s purpose and mission. It is not necessary, of course, to reflect all these characteristics at once, it is necessary to focus on the most important for promotion and emphasize them. For example, if the company uses German technology, this can be used in the logo, but if it orders all the components in China – there will be no point in stressing it.

A fundamental element of the corporate identity

Usually, the corporate identity of a company is built based on its logo, which already contains the basic corporate colors, visual images, «mood», the desired association. You could learn more about creating corporate identity in the article «Creating Corporate Identity: What Mistakes to Avoid».

The aesthetic function

A beautiful and harmonious logo can attract the attention of customers and create in their minds an attractive image of all products sold under that symbol. The logic here is: if the company has a quality logo, then the quality extends to all of its activities – the production of goods and services.

Help in advertising and marketing

The logo often becomes a key element of advertising messages (except for audio commercials). It can and should be placed on all promotional products: on leaflets, signs, business cards, on the site, on social networks, in promotional videos, and in printed publications.

Create a positive image

A logo can combine all the features of a company, its advantages, the variety of products and create from that a single system – the image. That is to bring different activities, objectives, and principles of the brand to a single denominator, the role of which can be played by the logo. The psychological effect is important here – the positive image of the logo is subconsciously projected onto the brand products.

Color trends in logo design for the 2022 season

The year 2021 was quite a challenging year not only for every industry but for the whole world. Many familiar things and preferences were changed, the same goes for colors. Whereas in previous years neon tones and other bright colors were used, in 2021 and 2022 most people began to prefer softer, soothing, and relaxing colors. Such tones perfectly emphasize visual tranquility, which is extremely important in today’s times. So, let’s take a look at the color trends in logo design for the 2022 season.

Pastel tones

Logo by Ikramul Hadi Khan

One of the main color trends characteristic of logo design in 2022 is the use of pastel tones in different shades. Such colors highlight certain elements in a logo, making it more appealing and widely recognizable.

Having survived the last year full of ups and downs, in 2022 many companies wish to use soothing colors in their logos. And such an approach is fully justified. The use of a certain range of colors is important for logo design and has a big impact on users. Such colors include:

  • purple;

  • pink;

  • orange.


Logo by Dominik Grocholski

Almost all companies understand that to attract customers, it is important to give them a positive experience with their products. And that’s why the product must be visually pleasing. For this reason, it’s important to think about color trends and adjust to the needs of your audience. The year 2022 is the right time to use monochrome colors. Although such colors have been used in various areas for quite some time, they have become a real trend in logo design in 2022.

A monochrome color palette is a set of shades of one color. When combined with another flat color, monochrome colors are maximized and make certain elements stand out. Customers like harmonious products whose colors complement each other while maintaining overall subtlety with the shades. In this way, serenity and harmony can be conveyed.

Muted colors

Logo by Md Rabiul Alam

The year 2021 is the time when people spend most of their time on computers or cell phones. And it is not surprising that 2022 is also extremely similar to the previous year. Virtuality has become a part of our lives and this has mainly influenced the color trends in the logo design of 2022.

One of the main color trends today is the use of solid colors. Such colors guarantee comfort for the eyes and a sense of tranquility. They give simplicity, subtlety, freshness, and naturalness to the logo. It is these factors that allow monochrome colors to become a trend.


Designing a logo is a responsible undertaking on which the image of the entire company depends. How the new audience perceives your logo, so it will perceive you. Therefore, it is important to analyze your audience before development, to find out their preferences and tastes, to use this data in the design.

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