Saturday, July 27

6 DUI Long-Term Consequences You Should Know

A  man driving.

Driving under the influence (DUI) has remained among the most common criminal offenses in the United States for many years. But unfortunately, many take it for granted as it’s often only considered a misdemeanor crime in almost every state in America.

Now, here’s the thing. Other DUI consequences could last for a long time, putting people’s lives in a dizzying tailspin. So, it’s essential to be aware of these before things worsen. Hence, here are things you will lose after having a DUI arrest and conviction.

Revocation of a Driver’s License

For a first DUI conviction, an arresting officer will confiscate your driver’s license, which will be revoked for up to 2 years or just suspended from driving for 90 days. This will be difficult for those who need to drive as part of their work. A DUI can result in the loss of your job.

Aside from that, people who drive as part of their daily routine might also be troubled. This will be difficult for those people who need to drive as part of their daily routine. For instance, going to work will be difficult without a car, which will influence your job performance.

Restricted Driving Privileges

Once you’re convicted of any DUI-type offense, your driving privileges will automatically be restricted. Consequently, one should install an ignition interlock device (IID) on their car ignition after they’re issued a restricted driver’s license.

IIDs is an in-car breathalyzer that can monitor drivers’ blood alcohol content levels. It prevents them from starting their cars until a breath alcohol test is taken. If this breathalyzer device detects alcohol from you, you can’t use your car. Other restrictions vary in different states, so it would be better to know these differences before hitting the road.

Criminal Record

Having a DUI conviction is either a felony or a misdemeanor criminal act. Either way, having a criminal record can thwart your future endeavors in your work or study and imperil your chances of getting the house you want. 

A lot of employers now are running a background check before hiring applicants. You might be least prioritized if you’re one of those job seekers with a criminal card. The same goes for obtaining financial assistance and housing applications in some cases.

Damaged Relationship

Both personal and professional relationships are at risk when you have a DUI arrest or conviction, how much more a DUI conviction. In addition, it’ll adversely and either temporarily or permanently stain your reputation in your family and your workplace. 

Other companies have policies on DUI convictions, which will lead to losing your job. Further, in your company or your family, other people might control or pry into your personal life and talk about your DUI arrest/conviction, which can also lead to emotional stress.

Scholarships Application Failures

For students, having a DUI arrest or conviction can affect your plan of having financial assistance in college. In the United States, many universities and colleges conduct background checks, require an applicant to disclose criminal history, and deny scholarship applications if one applicant has any criminal history.

Auto Insurance Increase

First of all, is car insurance cheaper if you own the car? Whether you own your car or have an auto loan, its costs are the same. Even if you already finish paying off the car value, your premiums will still be the same. But you no longer have to pay off the insurance required by your auto car lender, allowing you to reduce your coverage to lower your premium.

However, your car insurance company might increase your premium if you get into trouble and are arrested for a DUI-type offense. Most insurance companies regard policyholders who have DUIs as “high-risk” drivers. Hence, they will likely double or triple their automobile insurance rates for several years. It’s even possible to terminate their coverage.

Do I Need An Attorney?

You must go to court for arraignment if you’re arrested for a DUI-type offense. A person will be legally and formally charged with a criminal offense at the arraignment. After which, you will have a chance to plead guilty or not.

One of the simplest methods to eliminate this conviction is to seek help from experienced dui attorneys. They can make things easier for you. Typically, they’ll advise you to plead not guilty at the arraignment, pay fees and viola, and be released.

Without legal experience, assessing whether a DUI case will succeed is difficult, as the DUI law continually changes. Hence, having a lawyer is useful. It’s not necessary to meet them in person; however, it’s better to gauge face-to-face whether a lawyer is great.

Final Thoughts

In brief, long-term DUI consequences are drivers’ greatest pain as it can cause devastating repercussions for many years. These consequences can haunt one’s life for years, even after paying fines and following legal responsibilities.

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