Monday, February 10

Tag: Crypto Markets

Crypto Markets Meltdown In a Perfect Storm of Panic and Fear

Crypto Markets Meltdown In a Perfect Storm of Panic and Fear

Business, Tech
Bitcoin’s price plunged to the lowest point at the time of 2020. The largest crypto exchange Coinbase tanked in its value too. BitIQ that promoted itself as a means of stable exchange collapsed. Over $300 billion got wiped out by a crypto prices crash on Monday. The world of crypto fell into a complete meltdown in a sell-off. It graphically illustrated all risks of the unregulated and experimental digital currencies. Even Elon Musk talked up the cryptocurrency, the huge declines of digital currencies such as Ether show it, in a few cases two years of financial gain may disappear within 24 hours. The current scenario The moment of all panic created the worst reset in crypto as Bitcoin declined 80 % since 2018. For latest information on Bitcoin and trading check Bitcoin smartThis ...