Sunday, February 16

Making your profile private on Instagram

Making your profile private on Instagram

Tired of strangers commenting your photos or don´t want people you don´t know to see your pictures? Maybe you don´t want your parents to scroll through your feed? Don´t worry, making your profile private is quite simple. In this article, you´ll learn how you will be Making your profile private on Instagram through the app.

How to do it

1. Open up Instagram

Since we will be making the Instagram profile private through the app, you should begin by opening the app. If you don´t have the app yet, you can download it by searching “Instagram” on the App Store or on the Android store. If you are completely new to Instagram, you can read how to create an Instagram page to begin with.

2. Go to Your Profile

Once you have launched the app, go to your profile by pressing the button in the far right corner of the screen.

3. Edit Your Profile Settings

Once you have opened your personal Instagram profile, you should click on the settings button, which you will find at the top right part of your screen

4. Activate the Privacy Option

Find the a headline that says “Private account”. If your profile is public, then it will appear in grey, meaning that any user can access your pictures. To make your profile private, make the grey button blue by sliding the button to the right and then click on the top right part of your screen to confirm you want to make your Instagram account private.

Your profile is now private if you have followed the steps above. No more creepy stalkers or your boss spying on you.


If you have any further questions, comment below as always and we´ll gladly answer them.

Follow us on Instagram @VeloceNetwork as well.

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