Saturday, July 27

How To Save an Instagram Live Video To Camera Roll

How To Save an Instagram Live Video To Camera Roll

You might have streamed the best live video and now you want to save it so you can watch it later. But how do you do?

In this article, we’ll give you the answer to that question.

You can only save your own Live videos. Not others.

How to save an Instagram Live Video

When you have ended a live stream, you have the ability to tap “Save” in the top right corner. Doing so will save the live video in your camera roll.

Note: If the live stream was long, it might take a while for it to show in your camera library.

You will only save the video. Not comments, viewers and likes. You can only save the live video right after you’ve ended it. Once you’ve clicked down the live video, you cannot return and save it. It is only you that will have the option to save the live video.

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