Saturday, February 15

How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram

How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram

You might have noticed that when you follow an Instagram profile, you’ll get suggestions of similar profiles that you might want to follow. These can be mutual friends or other relevant profiles. The same goes for if someone begins following you.

If you don’t want to receive these profile suggestions, you can turn them off. Have in mind however that when you turn the profile suggestions off, you won’t be visible for others when they get a profile suggestion.

How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram

  1. Go to from your computer or with your phone/tablet.
  2. Choose the “How To Remove Suggested Profiles On Instagram” symbol that is located in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Edit Profile”.
  4. Choose “Similar Account Suggestions”
  5. Click “Submit”

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  • Karisdad

    I don’t have “similar account suggestions” choice in my profile.
    Any other way to delete the “suggestions for you” section that appears in the app constantly?

    • Jens Wirdenius

      Hi Karisdad!
      The “Suggested for you” is the explore page on Instagram. Here, Instagram presents content based on your previous interactions and what Instagram thinks you will find interesting. Right now, there is no way to delete this page since it’s central and important built-in feature inside of Instagram.
      Hope it helps!

  • Karisdad

    I don’t have “similar account suggestions” choice in my profile.
    Any other way to delete the “suggestions for you” section that appears in the app constantly? I have it in the desktop profile … but not on iPhone or iPad apps

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