Saturday, July 27

Tag: OCD Affects Romantic Relationships

The Impact of OCD on Relationships

The Impact of OCD on Relationships

The World Health Organization classifies OCD as one of the top ten most debilitating mental health disorders. Indeed, OCD has far-reaching effects on all aspects of a person’s life. But the terror of OCD isn’t limited to just the sufferer. Instead, the sufferers' relationships—romantic or otherwise — also become casualties. In other words, OCD significantly impacts the people in and around the sufferer's life. To understand what these far-reaching impacts are, you must first understand what OCD is and how it manifests. What is OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an extremely debilitating chronic mental and behavioral disorder. Although there are countless specific symptoms, OCD is generally characterized by two overarching symptoms — obsessions and compulsions: O...